

Thank you for visiting our website. We hope the information contained here will be of help to you.

Our goal is to help our patients become more informed about there ear, nose, and throat problems. The more information patients have concerning symptoms and conditions they have, the better they can make decisions regarding their healthcare.

If you decide you need to see an ear, nose, and throat physician, we hope you will give our office a call. You can call and arrange you own appointment, or you may be referred from your primary-care physician. Patients are welcome to refer their relatives and friends. My staff and I will do our best to make your visit to our office as pleasant as possible.

Making The Most Of Your Office Visit:

The registration sheet you are asked to fill out enables our staff the keep accurate and complete records so that you may be best served. It is important to have current information. We will verify your information and assist in making any necessary changes. Occasionally, you may be asked to complete a new registration form.

The medical questionnaire is to help us organize our thoughts in analyzing your problems, Please be complete and accurate in filling out all information.

Try to be specific in describing your problem. By describing your problem as clearly as possible, you will greatly help us more effectively treat you. Important information is specific complaints: pain, tenderness, nasal obstruction, duration of the symptoms or complaints, factors which improve or aggravate your problem, previous response to treatment and any associated complaints.

Bring a list of present and past medications and treatment.

Know any medications to which you are allergic.

Bring x-rays and laboratory test results taken recently at other facilities, if you feel they may be helpful.

If you are referred from another physician, know exactly why he is sending you and what he expects to be done.

Bring a family member or friend into the examination room, if you wish.

Make sure all questions are answered to your satisfaction.

Please read and keep any written material given to you. It was prepared for your benefit. Please re-read the material before calling since your questions may be answered by the information brochure. This may save you a long-distance telephone call.

If you develop new problems, if your original problem worsens or if you do not achieve the expected good result from your visit, please return for a follow-up visit. We try to limit asking you to return for routine follow-up visits and rely on you to return if you are not doing well.

Helping Your Doctor

If your questions and problems are not answered by our staff, please let us know.

We are open to suggestions which you feel would help us provide a better service or any additional needed service.

If you feel you have been unfairly treated, please feel free to discuss your specific problem with us. If you would feel more comfortable, you may write your complaints in a letter and mark the envelope 'personal and confidential'.


Medical Records:

The medical records are kept by our office. We respect the confidential information in our records. Information is not released unless permitted by you.

Itemized Statements:

It is requested that you keep the office receipts and your cancelled checks for your tax and insurance records. Itemized statements can be provided at the end of the year upon request. Please send a self addressed, stamped envelope if you desire the convenience. Itemized statements are provided for a fee.

If you would like to be seen please call for an appointment.
(859) 276-4838 or (800) 432-0994