General Surgery Patient Information



Proof of insurance or a deposit will be required by the hospital or outpatient surgery center before surgery, except in emergency cases.


It is in your best interest to check your insurance policy for any special requirements, such as:


*2nd opinions

*Mandatory outpatient procedures

*Preexisting conditions

*Fee schedule for particular procedure


Please provide our office with insurance information, if you would like assistance in filing your surgical insurance claim. Please be sure to enclose your secondary policy and any other policies you may have.


Operative Permits:


Operative permits will be signed at the office and at surgery. Please be sure all of your questions are answered.


Laboratory Test and X-rays:


If tests are ordered, it is best if all tests and x-rays are done one or two days before surgery if at all possible. This is avoids possible delay waiting for results. This is most important in children. Their surgery will often be delayed if tests are not done before the day of surgery. If tests are done elsewhere, please bring copies of the results with you, if at all possible.  Often when the labs call or mail results, they get lost. If needed you can also have results faxed to (859) 276-4638.  Test that are requested are marked on your orders.


Physicians Order Form:


Please bring your orders with you.  Give them to your nurse so she will know what to do.


Time of Surgery:


Unfortunately we cannot usually schedule your surgery for a specific time.  The younger patients are usually taken first because they cannot easily wait, even though adult may have been scheduled several weeks before the child. Most often you will be called the day before surgery with your arrival time. We apologize for anyone waiting very long but some waiting is unavoidable.



A pre-registration form will be given to you. Please fill this out and mail it in the envelope provided, as soon as possible.


Preoperative Instructions:


DO NOT eat or drink anything from midnight until after your surgery is completed.  Otherwise your surgery will be cancelled or delayed several hours. Those patients having local anesthesia might be given special permission to eat.


Call our office: 859-276-4838 (Lexington) or 606-679-8349 (Somerset)







All patients who will be under general anesthesia will be required to have someone else drive for them for 24 hours after being put to sleep.


Scheduling by phone:


You may call to schedule surgery if you have received all the information and signed an operative permit. It is best to call in the morning because that is when the receptionist has the most time to help you.


During Surgery:


During your surgery have any family or friends wait in the out-patient surgery waiting room, so we will know where they are and how to contact them.


If you would like to be seen please call for an appointment.
(859) 276-4838 or (800) 432-0994